Hudson Insurance Group is a market for specialty casualty exposures through Program Administrators. We are looking for well-defined, focused programs underwritten by Program Administrators with a proven track record, deep product knowledge, and the ability to provide specific services to clients. Programs can be defined by geography, product or industry.
Sovereign Nations Programs:
Hudson Insurance Group is a leading underwriter of insurance for Federally Recognized Native American Tribes and their owned enterprises.
Policies Include:
- Workers Compensation Standalone (1st Dollar Coverage)
- Package Policy (All coverages except Workers Compensation)
- All Lines Policy (Including Workers Compensation)
- Medical Stop-Loss Standalone
- Housing Authority
Programs are written on an admitted or non-admitted basis.
To learn more about the services provided by our Program Administrator, Tribal First/Alliant Specialty Insurance Services, go to
Coverage Includes:
Sovereign Nations Programs
Coverages are provided on either a first dollar or excess of SIR basis for the following lines of business:
- Sovereign Nations Workers Compensation
- General Liability
- Fire Legal Liability
- Cemetery Malpractice
- Innkeepers Legal Liability
- Automobile Liability & Auto Physical Damage
- Garage Keepers’ Legal Liability
- Law Enforcement Liability
- Tribal Officials Errors & Omissions
- Miscellaneous Errors & Omissions
- Employee Benefits Liability
- Medical Malpractice
- Employment Practices Liability
- Sexual Misconduct Liability
- Fiduciary Liability
- E Commerce Liability
- Crime
- Medical Stop-Loss
- Specific Coverage: Protection in the event of an individual member with abnormally high-dollar claims.
- Aggregate Coverage: Protection in the event of high-cumulative claims on the entire group.
- Property – Housing Authorities
Targeted Businesses:
Federally Recognized Native American Tribes and their owned enterprises.
Product Benefits:
We set ourselves apart from our peers in this market by offering the All Lines Policy, which includes Workers Compensation.