Our Hudson Wholesale Binding Facility is committed to working with you to provide a Premier Package facility that will meet the needs of many of your clients.
We create “Franchise Value” for our customers by offering a premier product, with a comprehensive selection of coverage, written on a package or mono-line basis, and distributed through a very select and limited number of Managing General Agencies. We support our product and customers through quality underwriting and solutions, efficient technology, and excellent service. Our product, relationships and efficient business practices differentiate us from our peers in the marketplace. We will also look to build from our standard product offering into other surplus lines areas of need for your business.
Coverage Includes
General Liability
- Limits up to $1 million / $2 million within binding authority
- Miscellaneous Professional Liability available up to $1 million / $1 million
- Optional coverage for Assault and/or Battery available up to $100,000 / $100,000
- Liquor Liability Limits available up to $1 million / $1 million
- Policy Minimum Premiums
- $550 Mono-Line; $1,100 Package
- Credit authority up to 20%
- Property Limits up to $1 million Total Insured Value per location within binding authority
- Property Limits up to $5 million Total insured Value per location available
- Property Enhancement Coverage Endorsement
- Equipment Breakdown
- Allocated Windstorm / Hail capacity (in select states)
- Policy Minimum Premiums
- $550 Mono-Line; $1,100 Package
Targeted Businesses
- Apartments
- Cannabis
- Dwellings
- Farm Liability
- General Contractors
- Middle Market (Mfg., Distributors, Repairs, etc.)
- Restaurant – 30% or less alcohol
- Retail Stores
- Sanitorial
- Service Contractors
- Special Events
- Tattoo Parlors
- Truckers
- Tree Pruning, Spraying, Trimming
- Vacant Buildings / Land
Product Benefits
- Rated A+ (Superior) by AM Best, Financial Size Category XV
- On-line Rate, Quote, Bind to Issue
- Non-Admitted
- Competitive rates and commissions
- Flexible terms and conditions
- Superior Service